Join Karl and Jason as they sit down to give their general analysis of Celebration VI! They give a brief run-down of what they did each day of the convention and talk about which aspects of the event they enjoyed most. From loads of Clone Wars panels, to infamous Star Wars actors such as Ian […]
Clone Wars
SWCVI Day 3 – SWR #55

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Star Wars Report podcast! This is day three of our Star Wars Celebration Six convention coverage episodes! During these daily episodes, you can expect us to bring you coverage of each day of Star Wars CVI, the panels we went to, the news we heard, the experiences we […]
SWCVI Day 2 – SWR #54

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Star Wars Report podcast! This is day two of our Star Wars Celebration Six convention coverage episodes! During these daily episodes, you can expect us to bring you coverage of each day of Star Wars CVI, the panels we went to, the news we heard, the experiences we […]
Celebration of Miscreants – SWR #51

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Star Wars Report! This week Riley and Bethany are joined by Aaron Goins, writer for SWR and a good friend. We talk about The Old Republic sinking to less than 1m subscribers. Is this a nail in the SWTOR coffin? Is it just hyperbole? We […]
Han Dies First – SWBTF #30

Greetings Fanboys, Fangirls, EU Fans, and returning Beyonders! And welcome to Star Wars Beyond the Films! This week, true believers, your EU Guru Nathan P. Butler, and The Defender of the EU Mark Hurliman, take you on a wild adventure as they explore the recent news that came out of San Diego Comic Con 2012 […]
Galaxy At War – TWL #23

In their most recent episode, Karl and Jason are joined by special guest Mike Cohen from the Clone Wars podcast, “Frontlines.” Jason is finally able to broadcast to the world his deep love for the Clone Wars TV series as he, Karl, and Mike sit down to talk about their favorite episodes/story arcs from the […]