As you read this, Star Wars Celebration Europe has ended. The biggest Star Wars event of the year has wrapped, secrets were revealed and we all collectively geeked out over the latest news coming from Lucasfilm and Star Wars. Now, I was not able to attend Celebration Europe. I’m sure the majority of the people […]
Mark Hamill’s Q&A Panel

Riley was fortunate enough to make it in time for the Mark Hamill Q&A Panel at Star Wars Celebration Europe. Not only was he able to get some pictures, he also heard some hilarious tales. After getting funneled in amongst throngs of passionate Star Wars fans at the Excell center, London, I found myself seated […]
Breaking Breznican – SWR 228

EW’s Anthony Breznican joins us to talk all about Rogue One, and your hosts discuss Celebration Europe, and the fate of the Lucas Museum as well, all this, and more! All on the this week’s episode of the STAR WARS REPORT! Star Wars Report is available on iTunes! Be sure to subscribe, rate and review!
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A Trooper’s Point of View – Building a TIE Fighter Pilot

Last year at this time I had a crazy idea pop in my head that just a mere two months before Celebration Anaheim I wanted to make a new 501st costume. I really wanted to bring some kind of Legion costume to the convention and I didn’t want the hassle of flying with my armor. […]
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Where Can First-Timers See Star Wars? It’s Not Easy.

It still surprises me when I meet someone who had never seen a Star Wars movies. These films are so iconic that I cannot imagine not seeing at least one of them. They then follow up by saying that they’ve been wanting to see one, if not all of them, but don’t know where to […]
Evolving Fandom- TWL #147

Karl and Jason are joined by friend and fellow podcast host of the Star Wars Report, Riley Blanton as they discuss how their Star Wars fandom has evolved over the years! From kids playing with the toys to three guys podcasting about the Wars, they hit on all those big moments where they lived out […]