This post was brought to you by Waze, available for free download here: It was the end of an amazing road trip/vacation, and I’d seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens three times in theaters when I posted the following on Instagram: However, things had not begun on such a nice note. Days before I was sick […]
Is Rey the New Hope of the Sequel Trilogy? International Trailer and TV Spot Breakdown

NOTE: Possible spoilers for segments of The Force Awakens based on speculation and deduction from the trailers and other official sources. Like many of you, I woke up Friday morning to the surprise of a new international trailer for The Force Awakens. Once again, J. J. Abrams threw us off the scent with talk of […]
Top 5 Little Moments- TWL #153

Karl and Jason discuss their Top 5 Little Moments from the Star Wars saga! Those little scenes we all love but don’t get the attention of the bigger ones!
The Value of Friendship- TWL #41

It’s time to start a new year! Join Karl and Jason as they sit down to discuss the value of friendship as shown to us through the Star Wars saga! From the iconic relationship between R2D2 and C-3PO to the dysfunctional friendship of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, your hosts talk about how good friendship […]
The Saga’s Witnesses- TWL #37

Join Karl and Jason in their latest episode as they talk about the two Star Wars characters to appear in all six films: C-3PO and R2D2! From their first meeting on Tatoonie in Episode I to their dance-off at the teddy bear picnic celebration at the end of Episode VI, your hosts talk about all […]