Tuned For Feedback – SWBTF #238

Mark and Nathan read listener emails, respond to recent criticisms and more, all on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films. YOUR “Star Wars” discussion podcast! YOUR Podcast of Legends! YOUR ticket to that Galaxy far, far away! Your Fandom lies Beyond the Films. This week true believers, Beyonders, Fanboys, Fangirls, respected aliens around the […]

Star Wars Resistance Easter Eggs – SWR #352

Mark and Bruce talk about the first episode of ‘Star Wars: Resistance’ and the easter eggs that can be found. Also, new images from ‘The Mandalorian’ TV series, new Star Wars books, author Chuck Wendig getting fired, and more! Star Wars Report is available on Apple Podcasts! Be sure to subscribe, rate and review!

A Star Wars Slowdown Hoedown – SWR #349

Bob Iger of Disney is slowing the Star Wars train down. Bruce, Mark, and Michael discuss the upcoming future of Star Wars, alcohol in Galaxy’s Edge, episode titles for Resistance, Adam Driver on SNL,  and introduce a new segment called, “Growing Up Hurliman.” Star Wars Report is available on Apple Podcasts! Be sure to subscribe, rate and […]