Jump into this pixelated episode where we share our Top 5 Star Wars Video Games from the SNES to the PS4! From dog fights over the trenches of the Death Star to storming Endor as a Rebel soldier, we share our many highlights from the world of SW video games over the years!
Battlefront 2
Solo Review, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, and Michael Fails At Console Gaming – C3 Ep. 083

This week Michael and Nate discuss the Solo film before diving into the new Jedi Fallen Order Game. Other topics include the Han Solo season content for Battlefront 2, upcoming Clone Wars content and the fact that Michael is completely baffled by how to work a Playstation 4. Check this episode out to hear it […]
Thank The Force- TWL #257

We share some thanksgivings for where Star Wars is at right now and what it’s brought to our lives most recently! We hit on some The Last Jedi news, Battlefront 2, and the new canon novels before sharing Jason’s panel on The Last Jedi at this year’s Tuscon Comic-Con! The Wampa’s Lair podcast is available […]
The Wampa’s Lair: A Star Wars Story- TWL #252

We quickly hit on the Battlefront 2 Beta and the announcement of the title SOLO for the upcoming Han Solo film. Then we dive into a discussion where we pitch our own “Star Wars Stories” to Lucasfilm that we would love to see take flesh in either tv, novel, comic, or movie form! The Wampa’s […]
Battlefront 2 Data Mine – C3 Ep. 071

Well folks its a slow news week for the most part but there were some interesting tidbits to come out about characters available in the Upcoming Battlefront II thanks to a broken NDA and some data mining! Listen and find out what Michael and Nate have to say on the matter.
E3 and Battlefront II w/ William Devereux – C3 Ep. 070

Michael and Nathan are Joined by William Devereux of Ion Cannon to discuss news from E3 and all the new footage and announcements from Battlefront II.