An examination of new shots in the latest International trailer and the “Hope” TV Spot… [UPDATE: Now also covering the extended version of the new International trailer and several more new TV Spots!] A young Jyn Erso runs as Orson Krennic’s ship flies overhead. Is she running to warn her father, or fleeing from the […]
Rogue One “Trailer 2” Breakdown

WARNING: Possible spoilers by way of speculation and analysis ahead. Orson Krennic’s ship landing on what looks to be a ringed planet where Galen and young Jyn Erso are living. “Jyn. Whatever I do…” – Galen Erso “I do it to protect you.” – Galen Erso Galen Erso watching Krennic and his Death Troopers […]
Rogue One Trailer Breakdown

WARNING: Possible SPOILERS for Rogue One. The trailer opens with an amazing shot of a plateau city on Jedha. We know now, according to the official Databank entry, that Jedha is “a small desert moon frosted by a permanent winter.” Jedha was home to one of the first civilizations to explore the Force and […]
Examining the Rogue One Celebration Reel

NOTE: A very small “spoiler” ahead from the teaser trailer shown exclusively to the Celebration audience. I only remark on it to confirm the identity of a character seen in the reel. Jyn Erso’s Homeworld Here we see the planet where Jyn’s father, Galen Erso, is living. I believe this is likely the first scene […]