Our journey continues into the second act of Attack of the Clones in this week’s episode! From the lakes of Naboo to the sands of Tatoonie and the rain soaked Kamino, join us as we continue our celebration of Episode 2!
anakin skywalker
- Reviews
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Star Wars: Brotherhood – Review

There are Heroes on both sides. Evil is everywhere. The Clone War rages across the galaxy in the wake of Geonosis and continues to spread like wildfire. And just as it seems that things could not get worse, Cato Neimoidia suffers a terrifying terrorist attack on it’s capital city and first evidence points to the […]
AOTC Act I- TWL # 466

Our Attack of the Clones Celebration continues as we start a 3-part series looking in-depth at each of the three acts from Episode 2! This week, we dive into Act I from the opening of the movie to Obi-Wan’s departure for Kamino.
When The Teacher Says “No”- TWL #429

There are several instances where potential Jedi are initially told “no” by the masters- this week we look at several of those key scenes! From TPM when the Council refuses to train Anakin, to Yoda’s reluctance to train Luke in TESB, and finally with Luke’s own unwillingness to train Rey in TLJ! The Wampa’s Lair […]
Revenge of the Sith Novel w/ Matthew Stover- TWL #420

Ever since the Episode III: Revenge of the Sith novel came out in 2005, we have loved the way Matthew Stover chose to write this story! And now we finally have him join us on the show to have an in-depth discussion about his incredible novel! From where some of his concepts came from, to […]
A Lairian Christmas- TWL #408

Gather around the Bright Tree Village campfire with us as we listen to some your Christmas Star Wars memories, share some of our own, and discuss some key moments from Star Wars that really capture some of the themes of Christmas! The Wampa’s Lair podcast is available on iTunes! Be sure to subscribe, rate and […]