Review: Star Wars: The Adventures of Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight by Tony DiTerlizzi (or, Sorry, I Just Drooled On Your Artwork) Oh boy. Oh baby. Oh lordy loo. How does one review a book with artwork of this caliber? This is the man who gave Star Wars its distinctive look. To look at a picture […]
A New Hope
Before & After the Special Editions: Han and Greedo (Part 2)

Before & After the Special Editions: Han and Greedo (Part 2) Stuart Tullis Last week, I proposed that the exchanged blaster shots between Han and Greedo as seen in the Special Edition essentially changed the lovable smuggler from a “man trying to make his way in the universe” to a relatively shallow character who was […]
Before & After the Special Editions: Han and Greedo (Part 1)

Before & After the Special Editions: Han and Greedo (Part 1) Stuart Tullis Change is a part of life. It’s a part of growing up. Seasons change. Feelings change. Even friends change as we move from school to school, job to job, town to town, or even simply through the natural progression of events. But […]
Rebels Review: How Spark of Rebellion is Similar to the Original Trilogy

Why Star Wars Rebels is the Closest Production to the Original Trilogy in Many Years Disney XD’s latest show Star Wars Rebels officially aired last week, and fans tuned into the show not really knowing what to expect from this new chapter of Star Wars. With a completely new cast of characters and stories, we […]
Seeing A New Hope on the Big Screen – SWR #145

On this week’s podcast Bethany and Riley talk about their trip to the Plaza Theater for a special screening of A New Hope! Download the mp3 HERE: (Right-click and “save as”) Also, for exclusive updates and content, be sure to subscribe to our mailing list! Be sure to jump to the bottom of this post to subscribe to […]