The Siege of Lothal (or Idiot’s Array Becomes Relevant!) – Rebels Roundtable #17

The Star Wars Report’s Rebels Roundtable takes on The Siege of Lothal. The Star Wars Report’s Rebels Roundtable returns from a short break to check out the Season 2 hour-long premiere (or pre-premiere?) The Siege of Lothal. (Darth Vader raises the stakes . . . and the roof.) Join Johnathan, Nathan, Mark, and Bethany as they discuss the episode. How […]

Skywalker Strikes (1 of 2) – SWBTF Ep 179

Princess “Hardcore Militant Extremist” Leia, Luke “I’m not much of a Jedi, but I sure can bulls-eye a Womprat in a T-16” Skywalker, Han “I’m your Envoy” Solo, and Chewie “Yeah-you-said-days-but-I-can-fix-it-in-minutes” ‘Bacca. All this and so much more! All on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films. YOUR Star Wars discussion podcast! YOUR Podcast of […]