The Star Wars Report’s Rebels Roundtable takes on Blood Sisters. The Star Wars Report’s Rebels Roundtable returns to check out the sixth true episode of Season 2, Blood Sisters. (This isn’t the Mandalorian backstory you were looking for . . . ) Join Johnathan, Berent, Nathan, and Mark as they discuss the episode. Did this episode give us enough of Sabine’s background? […]
2nd Airborne Division
Wings of the Master (or B is for Blade) – Rebels Roundtable #22
The Star Wars Report’s Rebels Roundtable takes on Wings of the Master. The Star Wars Report’s Rebels Roundtable returns to check out the fifth true episode of Season 2, Wings of the Master. (Talk about Tiny Death Star . . . ) Join Johnathan, Berent, Nathan, and Brock as they discuss the episode. Did this episode give us enough of Hera’s […]
Brothers of the Broken Horn (or Hondo Sold His Jacket for Crack) – Rebels Roundtable #21
The Star Wars Report’s Rebels Roundtable takes on Always Two There Are. The Star Wars Report’s Rebels Roundtable returns to check out the fourth true episode of Season 2, Brothers of the Broken Horn. (Quess who’s back, back, back . . . Back again, ‘gain, ‘gain . . . ) Join Johnathan, Mark, Nathan, and Berent as they discuss the […]
Mean Sabine – SWR #197
Riley, and Mark are at it again, only this time with VIDEO! Why Sabine drives people nuts, Pentatonix, John Williams, and a YouTube Channel, as well as many other things on this week’s episode of The Star Wars Report! You can show your support of the Star Wars Report podcast by becoming a Patron at […]
Thank The Maker- TWL #157
Karl and Jason respond to a recent interview with George Lucas where he discusses his “breakup” with Star Wars. They then move on to thanking The Maker for creating this incredible saga highlighting what he brought to popular culture with his incredible imagination and will power!
Always Two There Are (or You Have Failed This Empire) – Rebels Roundtable #20
The Star Wars Report’s Rebels Roundtable takes on Always Two There Are. The Star Wars Report’s Rebels Roundtable returns to check out the third true episode of Season 2, Always Two There Are. (Inquisitors: The Next Generation) Join Johnathan, Nathan, and Berent as they discuss the episode. What do the panelists think of this new Inquisitor duo? Why does the Seventh […]