Another exciting look back in the 2020 Year in Review! How did the publishing world of Star Wars fare? How hard hitting was the shows coming to our home televisions through Disney+? How did the Games stack up? And just what is this Star Wars Podcast Day? All this, and more, on the next Star […]
2nd Airborne Division
Using the Light Side- TWL #412

The Force’s light side is used for good, to protect and save people throughout the story of Star Wars. This week, we discuss some of our favorite moments where we see the Light Side of the Force on display across the saga! The Wampa’s Lair podcast is available on iTunes! Be sure to subscribe, rate […]
Light of the Jedi- TWL #411

The High Republic era has dawned on us with the first novel “The Light of the Jedi” by Charles Soule! We are joined by Greg Cass (eyeoncanon) to discuss some of our favorite themes, scenes, and everything in between on this incredible new novel! The Wampa’s Lair podcast is available on iTunes! Be sure to […]
Clan of Two- TWL #410

We all love the relationship of Din Djarin and Grogu so this week we are discussing our Top 5 Moments between these two beloved characters! From their first meeting to their final, bittersweet farewell, we hit on so many of the incredible moments between them! The Wampa’s Lair podcast is available on iTunes! Be sure […]
Light of the Jedi – SWBTF #254

An ALL-NEW ERA of Star Wars Storytelling! 200 years before the Phantom Menace, the Jedi are at their peak, the Republic has entered a new era of prosperity and expansion! The Chancellor’s latest Great Work: Starlight Beacon is about to go operational and champion in this new era. When chaos strikes….. All this, and more, […]
Force Collector – SWBTF #253

A family mystery tied to the Jedi, and the Force itself? The First Order. Maz Kanata. And an exciting journey of discovery! All this, and more, on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films. YOUR “Star Wars” discussion podcast! YOUR Podcast of Legends! …as well as Canon! YOUR ticket to that Galaxy far, far away! […]