Star Wars Beyond the Films‘ Nathan P. Butler is now posting short, non-spoiler reviews for many new releases. Spoiler-filled discussion will often follow in the weeks or months thereafter on the podcast. Queen’s Shadow by E.K. Johnston (hardcover, 2019) Disney Lucasfilm Press has been making a name for themselves among Star Wars fans with young adult novels that are often more meaningful, […]
2nd Airborne Division
Come On Get Happy- TWL #323

It’s all about the cheer in this week’s episode! We talk about 3 cheerful moments from the films and 3 cheerful moments in our experience of fandom and have a lot of fun doing it! The Wampa’s Lair podcast is available on iTunes! Be sure to subscribe, rate and review!
2018 Year In Review: The Comics – SWBTF #240

The highly anticipated Annual Beyond the Films Year in Review is here! How did the books of 2018 stack up? What did your hosts like, and dislike from 2018? All this, and more, all on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films. YOUR “Star Wars” discussion podcast! YOUR Podcast of Legends! YOUR ticket to that […]
Toys and Comics Galore! – SWR #369

New York Toy Fair introduced us to a lot of Star Wars toys and items! J.J. Abrams talks about Episode IX and Billy Dee Williams, and Riley Blanton, Bruce Gibson, and Scott Ryfun talk about Star Wars comics. The Star Wars Report is available on Apple Podcasts! Be sure to subscribe, rate and review!
Hashtag Relatable- TWL #322

We are joined by Jim Capron to discuss characters who’s journey and struggles we have strongly identified with in our lives as of late. The conversation gets as deep as a space slug’s belly, so you might want to buckle up, baby! The Wampa’s Lair podcast is available on iTunes! Be sure to subscribe, rate […]
It’s a Wrap on Episode IX – SWR #368

Filming of Episode IX has ended and other movies are in the works. We also talk about new LEGO sets, Triple Force Friday, fan theories, and Christy Morris’ new monthly SWR segment, ‘Fashion in Five.” Join Christy, Bruce Gibson, and Riley Blanton for even more Star Wars talk! The Star Wars Report is available on Apple […]