This week it’s an extra long episode as Michael and Nathan dig deep into the creation one of Lucasarts most anticipated games of all time… Sadly it was also a game never to be. Join us as we start at the beggining and chronicle the game from its original inception all the way to its […]
Star Wars 1313 Possibly “On Hold”

I can’t say this news surprises me, it’s been awfully silent since Celebration VI. Previously, LucasArts had stated that the Disney buyout wouldn’t affect 1313, but sources tell Kotaku that the project has been on hold since the entertainment giant’s purchase. Instead,”the focus is on the new trilogy, not on material that is unrelated to the planned […]
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What Do We Know About Star Wars 1313?

The Basics: Star Wars 1313 is a third person, action adventure game set in the underbelly of Coruscant. We play the role of a bounty hunter who ventures into level 1313 where the criminal organizations of the Star Wars universe gather and have created a city of “scum and villainy”. The game was announced at […]