Star Wars: Queen’s Shadow – A Beyond the Films Review

Star Wars Beyond the Films‘ Nathan P. Butler is now posting short, non-spoiler reviews for many new releases. Spoiler-filled discussion will often follow in the weeks or months thereafter on the podcast. Queen’s Shadow by E.K. Johnston (hardcover, 2019) Disney Lucasfilm Press has been making a name for themselves among Star Wars fans with young adult novels that are often more meaningful, […]

Resistance 119 “Descent” — Ion Cannon #273

Join Tom, Stephen, and William as they review the 19th episode of Star Wars: Resistance, “Descent.” After the First Order discover the Fireball was the ship that crossed into their territory, Yeager’s crew must evade troopers hunting them down. After realizing that Kaz and Yeager have been lying to her, Tam decides to stay with the troopers, convinced her […]

Resistance 118 “The Disappeared” — Ion Cannon #272

Join Tom, Stephen, and William as they review the 18th episode of Star Wars: Resistance, “The Disappeared.” The First Order presence is affecting life on the platform – big races are being cancelled and platformers are mysteriously disappearing. Kaz and Torra manage to successfully free the First Order prisoners, but don’t realize that their actions have put Team Fireball […]