We’re back with part 2 of why we love Return of the Jedi! Come along for the ride as we discuss our favorite moments and themes of the perfect Star Wars happy ending!
As Random as a game of Pazzak
- Reviews
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Star Wars: Padawan – Review

The life of Obi-Wan Kenobi has found new resonance in recent months with the release of the Obi-Wan Kenobi show from Disney Plus. The character has continued to be a favorite with fans and has spawned countless stories in the literature. His past as a padawan had been throughly explored in Legends with the Jedi […]
Why We Love Return of the Jedi Pt.1- TWL #477

It’s no secret that we love Return of the Jedi here in The Wampa’s Lair Podcast. Action scenes and introspection, humor and creeping evil, Return of the Jedi has it all! Join us for the first of a two part series where we talk about some of our favorite themes, scenes, and moments from this […]
Top 5 Minor Characters- TWL #476

Star Wars is stock full of interesting, mysterious, and loveable minor characters! This week, Karl is joined by Jen Sopchockchai of “The Long Take” blog to discuss our Top 5 Minor Characters!
Brotherhood- TWL #475

On this episode of The Wampa’s Lair podcast Karl and Jason are joined by good friend of the show, Greg Cass, as they discuss the new novel “Brotherhood” by Mike Chen. Find out all our favorite themes, moments, and references in this post-AOTC story about Anakin, Obi-Wan, and the ties that bind them together.
Kenobi Parts V & VI- TWL #474

With such an epic finale for the Obi-Wan Kenobi series, we discuss some of our favorite moments from the final two episodes in Parts V & VI!