This episode Michael and Nate continue to play catch up by finally discussing what has and hasnt been going on in Star Wars table top gaming before finally answering some long over due emails.
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Welcoming Nate Back, and More Cancelled Star Wars Games – C3 Ep. 086

Nathan is back so he and Michael are playing catch up on all the goings on in Star Wars gaming the past few months. The main topic of course is the latest cancellation coming from EA which was to be an open world game set in The Galaxy Far Far Away. Due to the amount […]
Let’s Have Star Wars Explained w/ Alex Damon – C3 Ep. 085

This episode Michael is joined by Alex Damon of the Youtube channel Star Wars Explained to talk about the “Golden Age” of Star Wars gaming or at least the period of 1995-1997 that influenced them. No Nate this episode as he is still adapting to dad life but don’t panic, he will be back shortly!
Masters of Teras Kasi – C3 Ep. 084

This episode is a retrospective on the infamous Playstation game Star Wars Masters of Teras Kasi. Also be sure to stay tuned till the end for a re-imagined theme song for the game.
Solo Review, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, and Michael Fails At Console Gaming – C3 Ep. 083

This week Michael and Nate discuss the Solo film before diving into the new Jedi Fallen Order Game. Other topics include the Han Solo season content for Battlefront 2, upcoming Clone Wars content and the fact that Michael is completely baffled by how to work a Playstation 4. Check this episode out to hear it […]
X-Wing 2.0, Battlefront Solo Update, and Celebration – C3 Ep. 082

This episode Nate and Michael discuss the big changes happening to X-Wing, The Solo press screening, Battlefront 2, and Celebration Chicago!