Star Wars Bound in Gold Little Golden Books Cover Star Wars —shazbazzar Every childhood library must have a section of books with gold-foil binding marking their collection of Little Golden Books. Little Golden Books have been a staple of children’s books for over seventy years with more than one thousand titles published by various authors, […]
Author: shazbazzar
Ahsoka Lives?

Ashoka Lives? Dave Filoni Reveals More about the Fate of Ahsoka at Star Wars Celebration Europe Not long ago in a country far, far away from Star Wars Celebration Europe… Like many fans around the world, I booted up my computer this morning to watch Star Wars Celebration Europe LIVE via YouTube, anxious to watch […]
Balance of the Force: Prophecy

“He is the Chosen One. You must sense it.” Qui-Gon Jinn insisted that the boy would be trained, with the consent of the Jedi Council or by his own hand. He believed, as did many others, that Anakin Skywalker was the Chosen One of prophecy — the One who would bring Balance to the Force. After […]
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Balance of the Force: Symmetry

Balance of the Force: Symmetry shazbazzar “The Jedi were real!” “Used to wonder about that myself. Thought it was a bunch of ‘mumbo-jumbo’. A magical power holding together good and evil, the Dark Side and the Light. Crazy thing is, it’s true. The Force, the Jedi…all of it. It’s all true.” The words of Han […]
Balance of the Force: Harmony

Balance of the Force: Harmony shazbazzar “May the Force be with you.” Nearly forty years ago, movie-goers emerged from theaters with the phrase in their minds and on their lips. For decades, it has prevailed in pop-culture, eventually leading to “May the Fourth” being regarded as “Star Wars Day” globally. The Force has become part […]
Rebels: Legends of the Lasat and Other Alliterations

Star Wars Rebels: Legends of the Lasat and Other Alliterations Teased as a look into Zeb’s past, “Legends of the Lasat” has a great deal more to it than simply telling us a bit more about the background of the Rebels’ hulk. Centered on a Lasat prophecy and flavored with a touch of piracy via […]