Greetings! It’s worth noting, after nearly two years, that I’m still not doing full reviews, but making examinations into certain aspects. As always, SPOILERS from here on out. This week on Rebels, Trails of the Darksaber, it’s the training montage (just, you know, without the montage) episode to turn ordinary Sabine into Queen Sabine via […]
Author: Michael Dare
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This Episode of Rebels Was Brought To You By Snarky Droids’R’Us

Welcome! Please note, this review is filed under ‘Lists Of Things I Liked’, which is separate from the review section of this base and next to the Big Honking Gun section. As always, SPOILERS from here on out! This week on Rebels, Warhead, AP-5 brings us some sweet inventory action, drops puns like he’s been […]
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On Rebels, Saw Gerrera Gets The Worst Kinder Egg Surpise

Howdy doodly, readerinos! No, I’m not calling you a rhino, that was just a badly thought out intro. Anyhoo: this is not a full review but a closer look at a few of the cooler bits. As always, episode SPOILERS as well as minor Rogue One SPOILERS from here on out. Welcome back, everyone! Did […]
On Rebels: So Dark The Con Of Maul

Hi! Quick note: this is not a full review. Here we just take a closer look at a few things – and then possess them, make them do our bidding to take over the galaxy. And to get take out because, honestly, I’m too lazy to go pick it up. This week on Rebels, Visions […]
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The Empire Needs Roadside Assistance In Rebels!

Quick note: this is not a full review. Here, we simply take a few things from each episode and then tinker with them until they explode. Because everyone needs a hobby. As always, SPOILERS from here on out. Welcome! This week on Rebels, An Inside Man, our Spectres must, erm, do something in a factory. […]
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On Rebels: ‘Call That A Star Destroyer? THIS Is A Star Destroyer!’

Greetings! Quick note: this is not a full review. Here we just take a closer look at a few things before we jettison them, hurtling them through space to fiery deaths. That’s what you get for saying my tea was ‘too salty’. As always, SPOILERS from here on out. This week on Rebels, Iron Squadron, […]