The second phase of The High Republic comes to a close in Path of Vengeance by Cavan Scott. Cataclysm has already given us the story of the Battle of Dalna from the perspective of the Jedi. Path of Vengeance goes back to fill in the story from the perspective of the Path of the Open […]
Author: Matt Rushing
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Star Wars: Quest for Planet X – Mini Review

Phase II of The High Republic has been very good the last few stories. Convergence, The Battle of Jehda and Cataclysm have created a very good focus for the story lines which left me with a lot of excitement for what was next in this series. Sadly Quest for Planet X by Tessa Gratton brings that […]
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Star Wars: Cataclysm – Review

Things are beginning to pick up in The High Republic series. Now in its second phase, one hundred and fifty years before phase one and titled “Quest of the Jedi”. The previous two entries, Convergence and The Battle of Jedha have seen The Path of the Open Hand’s intentions become more clear as they stoke […]
Jedi: Battle Scars – Review

Cal Kestis and the crew of the Mantis are back as author Sam Maggs fills in some the gaps between the hit game Jedi: Fallen Order and its sequel, Jedi: Survivor. When the crew pick up an unlikely person on a mission who by their very presence challenges every single member to come to terms with what they truly believe. […]
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The Star Wars Archives: 1999-2005 – Review

With his first Archives book, Paul Duncan was able to illuminate The Original Trilogy in a new way through his extensive research, use of concept art, behind-the-scenes pictures that had never been seen before and interviewing George Lucas. Thankfully he has been able to do the same thing now for The Prequel Trilogy in The Star Wars […]
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Star Wars: The Battle of Jedha – Review

After the events of Convergence, the war between the planets of Eiram and E’ronoh looks to finally be over. To celebrate this momentous occasion, the ecumenical enclave of Jedha is chosen as a neutral site to host the peace treaty signing during the newly instituted holiday, the Festival of Balance. Yet all is not what […]