Mirror has posted some leaked images of classic trilogy Stormtroopers from the set of the upcoming Star Wars Anthology film: Rogue One. The pictures are simply some actors dressed as Stormtroopers chilling out at various, somewhat generic, sets. In any event the pictures are something to check out, as it certainly builds excitement for the […]
Author: Len Cline
Knights of The Old Republic To Be Remade?

Outer Places has just reported a rumor that Knights of The Old Republic, arguably one of the best Star Wars games in existence, could be remade (graphically with a few story add- ons) for modern consoles. While this isn’t the much sought for Knights of The Old Republic 3, many fans will be pleased with […]
DICE Releases Aerial Combat Batefront Trailer

EA has just posted another YouTube trailer for the upcoming Battlefront game. It shows a massive multiplayer atmospheric dogfight, with the usual Rebel and Imperial ships, but with Han Solo in the Falcon, and Boba Fett in Slave I. The trailer itself was done beautifully, getting any type of fan excited. This game literally, looks […]
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J.J. Abrams Broke His Back While Helping Harrison Ford

Jedi News has an article from an EW report, stating that Abrams broke his L4 while trying to help Ford out from under the door that broke his leg. Luckily is wasn’t debilitating, as Abrams only found out what was causing him pain when he went to the doctor’s office a few days later. […]
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New Battlefront Mode Revealed

EA has just announced another mode for Star Wars Battlefront, which is due for release in November. The new mode is a deathmatch “Blast mode”, a classic style for a Star Wars game. The mode apparently features 10 versus 10 deathmatches in more compact locations. It certainly seems to have the makings to be a […]
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Michael Jackson Wanted to Play Jar Jar

The Guardian has just reported that Michael Jackson apparently wanted to play the role of Jar Jar Binks in the Prequels. Mr. Jackson was kept out because he was larger than the film itself. The Phantom Menace could have been a totally different film, whether it would be better or worse, would depend on your […]