While we are waiting for the release of Solo: A Star Wars Story we took some time to reflect on The Last Jedi. Specifically the novelization by Jason Fry. That and more in this episode of Star Wars Bookworms! Force Friday? We talk about some recent purchases and the release of Solo merchandise. No spoilers! […]
Author: Aaron Goins
Dewback Obsession – SWBW #88

We are playing a little catch up in this episode of Star Wars Bookworms as we talk about some selections from From a Certain Point of View and a little about the latest episodes of Forces of Destiny. Porgs and more. We briefly discuss the last eight installments of Forces of Destiny and Aaron admits […]
Distressed Monkey-Lizard – SWBW #87

Hang on as we cover the latest book news and do a couple reviews at breakneck speed, because we are trying to catch the latest episode of Star Wars Rebels. Solo books. We run down the list of the recently announced books tied to the release of Solo: A Star Wars Story. Trooper tribute. We […]
Tropical Porgs – SWBW #86

We LOVE reference guides. This is an extra special episode, because we talk about three of them! We pick some of our favorite things we found in three different The Last Jedi reference guides. Where’s Leia? We start out or discussion talking about our favorite things from The Last Jedi: Incredible Cross-Sections. Kira looks cool. […]
Poe and the Porgs – SWBW #85

Poe Dameron, porgs, and LEGO. We can all agree that at least two of those things are pretty awesome. Teresa starts the show with a reading from Chewie and the Porgs and her brief thoughts on the book. We geek out about all things LEGO as we do a flip-through review of Ultimate LEGO Star […]
The Last Jedi – SWBW #84

Everyone is talking about it and now we are too. We have seen The Last Jedi multiple times, and we have thoughts! Aaron works out his feelings on the Luke Skywalker stuff, Teresa talks about her excitement for darker Kylo Ren, and so much more! Beware of spoilers, because we talk about every surprise this […]