Star Wars Reads Day was this past Saturday and I attended the event in Lancaster, PA. The event was a ton of fun and I would recommend it to all Star Wars fans, especially if you have kids. One of the highlights was the attendance of Star Wars author Joe Schreiber. He is the author […]
Author: Aaron Goins
Kenobi Force Radio – SWBW #13

Review this episode Kenobi (novel) Anyone who listens to Star Wars podcasts is probably familiar with our guest for this episode. We were happy to welcome Jimmy Mac from the podcast RebelForce Radio! Of course since we had him we had to get his take on the Star Wars Expanded Universe. He talked about how […]
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Book Review: ‘Star Wars: Empire and Rebellion: Razor’s Edge’

Title: Star Wars: Empire and Rebellion: Razor’s Edge Author: Martha Wells Release Date: September 24th, 2013 Warning: This review may contain minor spoilers. Many times liking a book or not comes down to personal preference in what types of stories and characters you prefer. Razor’s Edge started at a disadvantage with me. The book was set […]
Purge Targets – SWBW #12

Reviews this episode Purge (comic volume) Agent of the Empire: Hard Targets (comic volume) Bookworms is back with your hosts Teresa and Aaron. On this episode they bring in Mark Hurliman of the Star Wars Beyond the Films podcast to talk some comics. Before they tackled the reviews though, they had some feedback from a […]
Intro to the EU Dragon Con Panel – SWBW #11

We have an extra special episode of Star Wars Bookworms for you today. This past weekend was Dragon Con 2013 in Atlanta. One of our hosts, Aaron, was on location at this major pop culture convention and he had the chance to be on a few Star Wars panels. One of the panels he was […]
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Book Review: ‘Star Wars: Kenobi’

Title: Star Wars: Kenobi Author: John Jackson Miller Release Date: August 27th, 2013 Warning: This review may contain minor spoilers. How excited were you for this book? I mean really. I remember when this book was first announced. It was last October at New York Comic Con. Believe it or not the book wasn’t announced to […]