Every year, Dragon Con-goers minds are blown away by the amazing Cosplay and 2019 was no different.
I took the opportunity to head to the Star Wars costume contest to check out some of the amazing Cosplay this year and I was not disappointed. Here I’ve picked out my top 10 along with highlighting a side by side comparison just to show the amazing amount of detail these Cosplayers have gone to. Check it out!
Ahsoka Tano (codenamed “Fulcrum”) was a former Jedi Padawan and Rebel informant who provided missions and intelligence that supported the Rebels in their fight against the Galactic Empire.Zorii Bliss is a character appearing in the upcoming 2019 film Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. She is portrayed by Keri Russell.Maybe Gaffi Sticks are just for long hikes with the families of the brave Tusken Raiders…Dave Filoni’s favorite Jedi. A Kel Dor from Dorin, Plo Koon was among the wisest members of the Jedi Order, respected for his level-headed analysis of events and unflappable calm. Deeply concerned for life in all its myriad forms, Plo was especially devoted to protecting the clones under his command.Padmé wears this Purple evening gown in Star Wars The Clone Wars, Season 2 Episode 4, Senate Spy.Jyn Erso, and Padme as seen in the Theed plaza in AOTCHondo! A tough, pragmatic Weequay, Hondo Ohnaka led a notorious Outer Rim pirate gang from his headquarters on Florrum.Ewok witch? You better believe it, in the 1980s series, the primary recurring villain is Morag the Tulgah Witch, who had a personal grudge against the tribe’s shaman, Master Logray.The mysterious leader of the Cloud-Riders swoop gang, Enfys Nest is a ferocious warrior, decimating opponents with a furious blitz of martial-arts moves and strikes from melee weapons.It’s concept Boba Fett! Inspired by pre-production artwork for Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back by visionary illustrator Ralph McQuarrie.