Just got word in from our friends at Topps Authentics!
Announcing new LOWER prices across our autograph selections! You can find new reduced prices on autographed photos from across th
e saga including:
– Classic signers like Billy Dee Williams (now $99.99 for an 8×10) and Denis Lawson ($49.99)
– Prequel signers like Hayden Christensen ($159.99) and Temeura Morrison ($49.99)
– Rogue One signers like Donnie Yen and Forest Whitaker (both now $149.99)
– New Trilogy signers including John Boyega (now $199) and Brian Herring ($49.99)
– Star Wars Rebels Signers including Freddie Prinze Jr. (now $79.99) and Sarah Michelle Gellar ($149.99)
And don’t forget we’ve got new autographs from John Boyega as Finn including new autographed photos from Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Star Wars: The Force Awakens!
You can order John Boyega autographs direct here: