The Star Wars Rebels animated series recently aired its fourth episode on Disney XD, “Breaking Ranks,” and some fans pointed out via Twitter that certain characters should be produced as action figures in the near future, including Zare Leonis and Chopper’s Imperial disguise. But, where are the Rebels action figures?
On the shelves you’ll find the Jakks 20″ and 31″ figures, a few plush toys, and the Star Wars Rebels Command Battle figures, but not much else. I recently picked up Hasbro’s Star Wars Rebels Jedi Reveal Pack with Ezra, Kanan, and Obi-Wan Kenobi from Toys ‘R’ Us, but other figures haven’t appeared yet at my local store. There have been exceptions. For example, Yakface recently reported that Hasbro’s Star Wars Rebels/Saga Legends and Mission Series figures arrived from Entertainment Earth and other reported seeing some on the shelves in California. Visit Yakface’s toyguide preview for carded images. (Yakface also has a preview images for Wave 5 figures, which includes Sabine Wren’s figure.)
As for when more figures will become available, Jedi Temple Archives wrote January 30, 2015? The rumor states that some cases of figures went out early, but Hasbro appears to be pushing the general release of Rebels figures to early 2015.
Despite the rumor, there are exclusives that may catch your attention in the meantime.
From left to right:
- Target Exclusive: Star Wars Rebels The Phantom Attack Shuttle with Kanan
- Target Exclusive: Star Wars Rebels TIE Advanced Prototype with Inquisitor
Here’s hoping we see more figures and other merchandise on the shelves before Christmas. Stay tuned for more toy updates as they become available.
Author: Johnamarie Macias
Johnamarie Macias is a proud Star Wars fangirl. She enjoys contributing to the fan community, working on her original story, and regularly updating her Star Wars-inspired blog, The Wookiee Gunner. She is also a contributor for Fangirl Next Door, and a co-host on “Rebels Chat”.