Top 5 Clone Troopers- TWL #96

WampasLair_SquareIn their latest episode, Karl and Jason are joined by special guest and listener, Jackson Alonzo! This long time Lairian proposed doing a show about their Top 5 Clone Troopers so he is invited on to discuss with our hosts! Stick around at the end of the episode for a rad song suggested by Jackson called “Clones” by the band Ash.


Author: admin

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One Reply to “Top 5 Clone Troopers- TWL #96”

  1. darthwillsmith says:

    A few corrections from a hardcore TCW trivia nerd.
    Cody is not the only clone to carry over from RotS to TCW: Gree, who attempts to kill Yoda, appears in Cloak of Darkness in season 1, and the pilot clone Oddball appears periodically.
    Tup shot Krell with his stun setting on Umbara in Carnage of Krell, perhaps a trigger to his snapping later on in The Unknown. Meanwhile, the other Clone besides Fives up against the firing squad was actually Jesse, not Hardcase who already sacrificed himself in Plan of Dissent.
    Also Boba Fett is not a Clone Trooper.
    While I’m at it, my top 5 are Dogma, Gree, 99, Waxer, and Fives.
    Have a nice day πŸ™‚

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