Intro to the EU Dragon Con Panel – SWBW #11

We have an extra special episode of Star Wars Bookworms for you today. This past weekend was Dragon Con 2013 in Atlanta. One of our hosts, Aaron, was on location at this major pop culture convention and he had the chance to be on a few Star Wars panels. One of the panels he was on was the Intro to the Star Wars Expanded Universe panel. He was joined by a number of other panelists including Brian and Nanci from the Tosche Station podcast.

Lucky for us Riley from the Star Wars Report recorded the entire panel. What we have done for our listeners is take the recording and edit it a bit. The majority of the panel is here but we did edit out sections that were hard to hear or parts that were more filler. If you are interested in listening to the entire unedited panel you can find that over at Tosche Station Radio.

This panel is a great listen for anyone who would like an overview of what materials are out there in the Expanded Universe or is interested in places to jump into this expansive world. Or if you just like to hear fellow fans discuss the books and comics you love.

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Author: Aaron Goins

Aaron mostly shares his geeky thoughts through podcasting (Star Wars Bookworms, Bad Wolf Radio, Star Scavengers) but his writings can also be found on sites like, Geek Tyrant, and Jedi News UK.

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