Speculation on the final three episodes of The Clone Wars Season 4
A few days ago we were treated to a trailer for the 4-part season finale of The Clone Wars. As we have known for a while, Darth Maul will be returning in the last two episodes of the season, and the trailer gives us some great images from those episodes. Let’s take a closer look at some of the images from the trailer and do some speculating. As a bonus we will also look at some images from the preview clip of the next episode called “Bounty” featuring Boba Fett!
This post will be discussing things revealed from the book The Wrath of Darth Maul as well as the latest The Clone Wars episode “Massacre”. If you are sensitive to spoilers you may not want to read further.
So if you want to know exactly how Darth Maul survived and his current state before The Clone Wars episodes are released, read the last two chapters and epilogue of the young readers novel The Wrath of Darth Maul. In this book it tells how Savage Opress finds a crazed Maul on the planet Lotho Minor. Savage first confronts and fights Maul and then helps him recover his memory. Maul is described as having six, mechanical, spider-like legs. Judging by the episode description and the clips from the trailer it looks like the upcoming episode “Brothers” will be be covering this part of the story. Here is the episode description:
After being used as a weapon of vengeance by Count Dooku and Asajj Ventress, the dark warrior Savage Opress embarked on a galaxy-spanning quest to find his long-lost brother, the legendary Darth Maul. Maul lives in the depths of a ruined world as a shattered madman barely held together by dreams of vengeance. Savage conspires with the scheming witch Mother Talzin to heal Darth Maul’s body and mind, so that the brothers can begin a new crusade of vengeance against the Jedi.
My guess is that this first image is Savage fighting off some of the locals on Lotho Minor before he finds Maul.

In the trailer they never clearly show Maul with his spider-like legs but we do get a couple shots of him skittering by in the shadows. Here is an image where you can see one of his legs. It’s hard to tell but it looks like it is made up of twisted cord rather than solid metal.

Here is an image from the confrontation between Maul and Savage in the cave. You can see that Maul’s horns have grown out to look almost like antlers and that a couple in the front have been broken off. The antler style of horns matches the way they look in his appearance in the Visionaries comic story “Old Wounds.”

You can see in this shot that his horns eventually get filed down to a manageable length.

Based on the episode description it seems as if Mother Talzin will have something to do with getting Maul fixed up with his new legs. This will likely mean replacing his cobbled together spider legs with the more practical, bipedal, metal legs we see in the trailer. In this image Maul is on an unknown planet that looks a lot like The Force Unleashed‘s version of Felucia. There is a group of unlucky people in his path (are they children?). He is using what looks like half of his damaged lightsaber we know from The Phantom Menace. If this is the same lightsaber, how did he get it back? Will we not see Maul with the double-bladed version at all?

What would a good Darth Maul resurrection story be without a confrontation with Obi-Wan Kenobi? In the trailer we see Maul’s metal foot stomp down and Kenobi standing off in the distance. It looks like they also kept the design from the Visionaries story and gave him clawed feet.

if you looked closely at the contest trailer to win the trip to orlando florida at the part when Ventress says wonderful in the bottom right corner you should see Dengar
Interesting article.
As to the lightsabre, this is from an article on usatoday.com (http://www.usatoday.com/life/comics/story/2012-02-23/Darth-Maul-debuts-in-Star-Wars-Clone-Wars/53221760/1):
‘Filoni promises fans will find out the secret behind his new lower half and, instead of wielding his double-bladed lightsaber from Phantom Menace, Maul will have only a fragment of it left since it, too, was damaged in battle.
“That was another one of the tricky things,” Filoni says. “You want him to have a lightsaber, but there’s no Lightsaber Mart he can go to and buy himself a new one.”‘
So it is the same one. And, if you go back and watch the Darth Maul ‘death’ scene, you can see that he still holds it as he falls down, and a few seconds later you can see it falling beside him – so it wouldn’t have been very difficult to retrieve it. He could have just called it to him with the Force, on his way down.
Also, in regards to Boba’s helmet, it looks a bit like the one Obi Wan wore during his time as Rako Hardeen. That helmet, if I remember correctly, was from Concord Dawn, homeworld of Jango Fett and later a home to Boba (‘Rako’s’ helmet was also based on early concept art of Boba’s armour). So it’s possible that this, too, is a Concord Dawn product, and if it is I think it’s a very nice touch by the makers.
Great info Michael. Thanks!
Darth Maul legs look exactly like the ones in the “Old Wounds” story in “Star Wars:Visionaries”. I’ll be surprised if Darth Maul survives and waits till the Old Wounds story comes in time, if it will become canon. course it all depends if maul survives.